Friday, January 15, 2010

Letter to a Representative

The Honorable Christopher J. Dodd
448 Russell Building | Washington D.C., 20510
United States Senate

Today, in America, we are using more oil (petroleum) than ever before, in stoves, in heaters, and most noticeably in cars, trucks, and airplanes. Our oil price is constantly rising making it harder than ever to drive to school, work, or just joy ride. Currently, approximately 73% of Americans own cars, and the number is only increasing. In Iraq, oil is constantly mismanaged, whether by the government, criminals, or gangs. There is a problem because the more oil in Iraq is mismanaged, the more it affects us here in the United States. If we can solve Iraq’s oil problems we can stabilize America’s oil crisis.
The easiest way to solver Iraq’s oil problems are to create a strong supported government for Iraq. In Iraq, there is currently fighting between three groups trying to control power, the Shiites, the Sunnis and the Kurds. With these three groups fighting the government has little control over the oil fields. Many oil reserves are targeted for bombs, others have smugglers stealing oil, with this resource being mismanaged the way it is the Iraqi government lose billions of dollars of profit each year. The fighting between these three groups in Iraq has left the government unable to regain control of its economy; oil production is unable to rise to a steady amount.
I propose to unite the Shiite, Sunni and Kurds, though this will not be easy, the benefits of uniting them are great enough to put the time, effort, and money into this cause. If the three groups are united the oil fields would be targeted less often, the Iraq could form a powerful government that would stop smuggling of oil out of Iraq, and allow Iraq’s government to profit off of all of its oil exports. The oil in Iraq could be worth up to $2.937 trillion each year. If a strong government is created, the three groups would be happier and less likely to fight (as long as they support the government). The three groups fighting are destroying Iraq, but if they got along the mismanagement of oil in Iraq would drop quickly, and the price of oil here in the United States would decrease.
You can help ensure that Shiite, Sunni, and Kurd find a way to get along and end the fighting. They may want money, oil, or something else, but it would be worth it in order to stabilize Iraq’s economy, and stop the mismanagement of oil.

Eitan Gil

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